[Flag] Issue 2: August 1999
Rising Sun
"For the next Age of Magnamund..."

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Magnamund Flags Screen Saver
by Jonathan Blake.

I was recently made aware of a WindowsTM screen saver that simulates a three-dimensional flag. When I found out that all the flags were just in WindowsTM bitmap format, I immediately thought That would be great if I could create some flags from Magnamund. Obviously, I have created some flags otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article.


To set up your Magnmaund Flags Screen Saver, you'll need:

I have reproduced the following flags:

  • Royal Arms of Sommerlund (sommerlund.bmp)
  • War Banner of the Kai (kai.bmp)
  • Banner of the Magicians Guild of Toran (toran.bmp)
  • Royal Arms of Durenor (durenor.bmp)

I would like to thank Ian Johnson, Mark Robins and Odie for their timely help in describing the flags in color for me.

My graphical talents are only limited and there are more flags in Magnamund than those that I've duplicated. If you can't stand my versions or want more, please create your own and send them to us so everyone can share in your talents.


Instructions may vary by operating system.

  1. Install the 3D Flag Screensaver according to their instructions.
  2. Optional: Move all the flags that came with the program into a separate directory or simply delete them so that we maintain the purity of the Magnamund theme when the flags are randomized. The flags are the .bmp files found inside the program's Flags directory.
  3. Unzip the Magnamund flags and backgrounds into the 3D Flag Screen Saver's directory (probably C:\Program Files\Improbable\Flag3D Screen Saver).
  4. Choose the 3D Flag Screen Saver from the Display Control Panel by:
    1. Going to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel
    2. Double-clicking on the Display icon.
    3. Select the Screen Saver tab at the top of the window.
    4. From the Screen Saver drop-down box, select Flag3D.
    5. Click the Settings button.
    6. Select the clouds background by clicking the Browse button under the Background section. The filename is Clouds4.bmp and it should be under the Backgrds folder.
    7. Play around with the various options. My favorite options are illustrated below.

[Settings screen capture]

Here's a small glimpse of what it looks like:

[Screen saver demo]

So, show your patriotism and devotion to Magnamund and impress your friends by using the Magnamund Screen Saver! 

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