[Flag] Issue 2: August 1999
Rising Sun
"For the next Age of Magnamund..."

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Magnamund Crossword Puzzle
by Andrew G. Black.

First, are you sure you want to see the solution to last issue's Magnamund Crossword Puzzle?

As promised, this one's more difficult. Hey, who said they were supposed to be easy? Enjoy. (answers provided in the next issue) 

Across Down
1. Combination lock manufacturers 2. Measure of life
3. Darklord of Kagorst 5. Lone Wolf #3: Beam me up, ____
4. Last surviving Darklord (in
the LW ERPG)
 7. Scarlet Sorcerer -vs- Emerald ____
6. Talestrian brew 8. Reoccuring villain, summoner of 16 across
9. Unoram and Eledil empty into this 10. Forest to the east of Danarg swamp
13. Bulletproof vest or Darkland armor? 11. Supposed resting place of Vashna's body
14. "Wolf's Blade" 12. Age after Nyxator's exile to the core
15. The Freeway Warrior, Cal ____ 17. Macabre and ghoulish vampire
16. Taco Bell mascot 19. "Next to last" Magnakai adventure
18. Destination of colony in
Freeway Warrior #1
 20. Freeway Warrior: disc jockey for KLFM
21. Ruler of Ogia 22. Civil war infested area
25. Freeway Warrior's driving instructor 23. Advanced form allows use of
Kai Power Word
28. Rendez-vous ship in Lone Wolf #3 24. Danish king, and Darklord
31. Insulating material for Sommerswerd 26. Number of crowns found with
Tablet of Perfumed Soap
32. US Lone Wolf cover artist 1990-1991 27. Mountain range separating Cloeasia from Vassagonia
33. Isolated mountain range north of the
"Vale of Tears"
 29. Owner of the Ogg-kor-kaggaz

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