[Flag] Issue 1: May 1999
Rising Sun
"For the next Age of Magnamund..."

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Internet Resources
by Gavin Gallot

In this issue I will provide a quick look at two web sites that give a starting point for any new Kai Initiates out there, and two other sites that are very useful in your persuits in the way of Kai and Ishir. Next Issue I will revisit The Kai Monastary in more depth and give you a few more useful links.

The Kai Monastary--http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~as300/
Hosted by Julian Egelstaff, this site simply is Lone Wolf on the internet. Obviously Joe Dever agrees that Julian has done wonders for the LW movement. This is shown by the dedication of Vampirum. The originality and pure bulk of the content is by far the strength of the site. This combined with what I could only describe as "Net Cred" makes it a totally standout site. The only negatives: more pictures might be nice and the library books aren't up to the standard of the rest of the site, but these two points pale in comparison to the rest of the site. Well done Julian. Great Site!

Desert Lynx's Oasis--http://www.lw-oasis.org/
When you first arrive at the Oasis you are greeted by a wonderful coloured banner that sets the scene. The next thing you notice is the bulk of information available on the site. Wow! Some really interesting original ideas, too. The Oasis has got to be one of the premier Lone Wolf sites. Joe Dever, himself even contacted Jonathan personally after seeing it. I found the best way for new arrivals to the site to learn their way around was to take a Tour. The overall style of the site, although not hugely graphical, is nice, mainly due to the excellent use of cascading style sheets. I did find that some of the pages were quite long and required a lot of scrolling however. Overall... a damn good read!

And if your into trading over the internet:

Oanda Currency Converter--http://www.oanda.com/converter/classic
If you are involved with buying or selling books over the internet, you will constantly run into the problem of easily and quickly wanting to know different currency exchange rates. After some looking around I was put onto this site; The Olsen and assotiates company hosts a very useful currency and financial site, and as part of it they provide what they call their classic convertor. If runs in seven different languages, including english and french and provides currency rates for over 160 countries. Using the convertor is really easy: just stick in the amount, choose what country it's coming from and the currency it's going to, click the button and Voilà! Done. You can even customise it so that many of the options are prefilled when you return to the site later. Great tool--try it out!

Ebay Online Auctions--http://www.ebay.com
eBay provides efficient, one-to-one trading in an auction format on the Web. You can use eBay to buy and sell items in more than 1,000 categories including collectibles, antiques, sports memorabilia, computers, toys, beanies, dolls, figures, coins, stamps, books, magazines, music, pottery, glass, photography, electronics, jewelry, gemstones, and much more. You can add items into one of these catagories and people can post bids to ebay. This service is becoming inceasingly popular for Lone Wolf books. When I was writing this article there were fifteen Lone Wolf books for sale and a Magnamund Companion for only $91. The best way to find something at eBay is to just do a search for it much the same way you'd search on Yahoo! or Altavista. There is also very good online help so whether you want to buy or sell, just go to the site and click "NEW TO" and follow your nose.

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