[Flag] Issue 4: May 2000
Rising Sun
"For the next Age of Magnamund..."

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Honourable Mention

Congratulations to Julian Egelstaff for being the the first person to complete the Fallen Phrase puzzle in the August 1999 issue of Rising Sun. The answer is: "...the lore of the Magicians Guild and the wisdom of the Kai can surpass the limitations of even time itself...", which Loi-Kymar said at the end of The Caverns of Kalte. The actual quote from the book is a little different but that only makes the game a little more interesting, right?

Table of Contents


Julian Egelstaff Interview
The Ultimate Lone Wolf replay system
The Rise and Fall of the Shadakine Empire


A Rising Sun exclusive! Read this most evocative tale--for adults-by the author of the Legends series, John Grant!


Birth of the Dark One
A Magnamund-based mini-adventure playable on line!
Lone Wolf Crossword
Action Chart

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Lone Wolf © TM Joe Dever 1984-2000.
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