[Flag] Issue 4: May 2000
Rising Sun
"For the next Age of Magnamund..."

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Birth of the Dark One


Goragik stands before you. The Nadziranim's long robes brush the floor as she stares at you. One claw-like finger taps the side of a rough reptilian face as milky white eyes send shivers down your spine. 'You will meet me on the east side, near where Aarnak used to be.' she croaks. 'There we will decide what the will of Naar is concerning what we should do with you.'

She turns her back to you as she walks to the other side of the room. Her contempt at this task is evident. She was cast out of the ruling council of the Nadziranim for desiring a more aggressive stance toward the world. She believed that in order to preserve the final city of the Darklands a massive strike against the Kai was needed, as was done long ago wiping out the first order of the Kai. Her peers pointed out that shortly thereafter a massive defeat came upon the Darklords, and only a few short years beyond that the entire destruction of the Darklords. Despite her protests that these were caused by elements beyond known strategy, the council relegated her to a minor position. Since then, her main job is as a messenger of the higher ranking Nadziranim. It is upon her that they have laid the task of getting you to safety and ensuring your rise to power. While it is a little desired or envied position, especially if you are killed, it has the promise of returning to her power and influence beyond what any Nadziranim has possessed in over a millennia--if she is successful.

She twirls quickly to face you again. 'The matters of your travel have been taken care of. You will attempt to escape via an escort of Kraan. If they do not make it through you will be left to your own resourcefulness to arrive at our meeting place.' She cackles softly. 'Do not look so fearful young one, my fate is irrevocably linked to yours. I would not care to have you damaged.' Her eyes flit to an archway to your right. 'I have brought a creature that may possibly provide insurance for your safety if anything goes awry.'

You turn to see what she is looking at, and find yourself facing a massive reptilian creature. This is one of the Xagash, lesser darklords that were only slightly less powerful that their masters. Their one greatest weakness lay in that they were easily destroyed by mortal means, making them only slightly more useful than the battle fodder the giaks were used as. Still, with their great strength the Xagash are considered equal to the Nadziranim councils in Helgedad, and they command great legions of warriors at their very bidding. Where the Nadziranim have taken to the spells and spawning of the creatures of the Darklords, the Xagash are the generals and leaders of the military forces in Helgedad. It is this that has enabled the city to still stand while all others have fallen. The Xagash militarily outmatch any Nadziranim lust for power that was found in such cities as Kaag or other areas fallen. Your quest must be of great importance to these high ranking leaders to let them have one such precious commodity be used as your protector.

'His name is Lakaast.' She says. 'He will guide you through the Sommlending's armies into the arms of safety. Until then...' she makes several signs in the air with her fingers and vanishes. You turn to look at Lakaast.

Turn to 32

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